Running of the Jaynes 2024
The Running of the Jaynes is a Virtual Run/Walk 5k between July 13th and July 28, 2024. A CSTS affiliate charity event hosted by the Delaware Valley Brigade of the PA Browncoats.

To Register for the Run/Walk 5k:
- Fill out this form: Register for the Running of the Jaynes
And then choose one of two options:
“Gotta go to the crappy town where I’m a hero (Swag Option)”
Complete a 5K (3.1 miles) run or walk any time between July 13 and July 28 while observing proper social distancing of course!
Report your time (if you track it) via the Facebook event page, and we will post race results.
- Receive a downloadable printable race bib.
- As a thank you, we are planning on a 2024 Running of the Jaynes commemorative dog tag.
Note: given current circumstances (reavers are still delaying the mail) we will send as soon as we receive, but please be patient, and remember this is for charity! No guarantees it will be in time for the race.
“When you can’t run”(No Swag Option)
Even if you can’t run or crawl, you can get someone to carry you. You can designate a registered runner to carry you home.
- Receive a downloadable printable race bib
Leading up to and then during the race period, everybody can post your pictures with your bib to our Facebook event page! Wear your shiny gear (maybe a cunning hat)!
2024 Running of the Jaynes tshirts are coming on for purchase! We have new colors!
As with every other CSTS event, we do this to help make the ‘Verse a better place. All proceeds will benefit Equality Now in their work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world.
About Can’t Stop the Serenity
Can’t Stop the Serenity (CSTS) is a unique opportunity to indulge your geeky side while doing some good! Since 2006, fans have organized screenings of Joss Whedon’s Serenity to raise funds and awareness to support Equality Now in their work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. So far, we’ve raised over $1,292,000 and raise more every year. Join us as we aim to misbehave for a good cause!
About The Pennsylvania Browncoats
The Pennsylvania Browncoats plan social events throughout the year, from game nights to bowling, from movie nights to camping. We also plan charity events, such as screenings of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and Serenity, as part of the global Can’t Stop The Serenity events. Join us on Facebook.